Get the magnitude (length) of this vector.
Get the squared magnitude (length) of this vector.
Add two vectors of the same size.
The other vector.
The sum of the vectors.
Round up the components of this vector.
The rounded vector.
Create a copy of this vector.
A copy of this vector.
Copy the values of another vector into this one.
The vector to copy.
This vector.
Calculate the Euclidean distance between this vector and another.
The other vector.
The distance.
Divide this vector by another.
The other vector.
The quotient of the vectors.
Calculate the dot product of this and another vector.
The other vector.
The dot product.
Determine whether this vector is roughly equivalent to another.
The other vector.
Whether the vectors are equivalent.
Determine whether this vector is exactly equivalent to another.
The other vector.
Whether the vectors are equivalent.
Round down the components of this vector.
The rounded vector.
Calculate the multiplicative inverse of the components of this vector.
The inverted vector.
Perform a linear interpolation between this and another vector.
The other vector.
The interpolation amount (in [0,1]
The interpolated vector.
Return the maximum of this and another vector.
The other vector.
The maximum.
Return the minimum of this and another vector.
The other vector.
The minimum.
Multiply this vector by another.
The other vector.
The product of the vectors.
Negate this vector.
The negated vector.
Normalize this vector.
The normalized vector.
Round the components of this vector.
The rounded vector.
Scale this vector by a scalar.
The scalar.
The scaled vector.
Add another vector to this one after scaling the other by a scalar.
The other vector.
The scalar.
The sum.
Calculate the squared Euclidean distance between this vector and another.
The other vector.
The squared distance.
Subtract another vector from this one.
The other vector.
The difference between the vectors.
A quantity with magnitude and direction.