Interface DualQuaternionLike

A complex number that is commonly used to describe transformations.

interface DualQuaternionLike {
    0: number;
    1: number;
    2: number;
    3: number;
    4: number;
    5: number;
    6: number;
    7: number;


  • Record<number, number>
    • DualQuaternionLike

Implemented by


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


0: number

The first real component of this dual quaternion.

1: number

The second real component of this dual quaternion.

2: number

The third real component of this dual quaternion.

3: number

The fourth real component of this dual quaternion.

4: number

The first dual component of this dual quaternion.

5: number

The second dual component of this dual quaternion.

6: number

The third dual component of this dual quaternion.

7: number

The fourth dual component of this dual quaternion.